OpenStack : surprise

Éric Miclo eric.miclo at
Thu Sep 28 00:47:32 EDT 2006

Hello Mark,

Le 27 sept. 06 à 23:48, Mark Wieder a écrit :

> OK-
> I just checked this out in OSX in 2.7.2, 2.7.3. and 2.7.4, and the
> behavior is the same in all versions. But different from the Windows
> test of yesterday.
> Tuesday, September 26, 2006, 7:04:52 PM, I wrote:
>> Double-clicking "First Main Stack.rev" opens that stack, waits two
>> seconds, then hides it and launches the second stack.
> No second stack launch. Seems like a platform difference. It appears
> that double-clicking on Windows is setting the defaultFolder so that
> the launch of the second stack from the script succeeds, while this is
> not taking place on OSX. I'm not sure this is a bug, but I certainly
> didn't expect this difference. At any rate, the openStack handler is
> getting called properly in all cases, since the first stack disappears
> after the requisite two seconds.

I'm not sure it is only a defaultFolder setting, because if I place a  
"beep" statement at the beginning of the openStack handler:
- nothing will be played is the "Main First Stack" is double-clicked  
in the Finder without Revolution was already launched
- the beep will be played if Revolution was launched first.

Really strange.



>> Opening the first stack from the IDE works similarly except that the
>> second stack does not show up. The difference is that you're calling
>> "go to stack" without either having the stack in memory or setting  
>> the
>> defaultFolder, so the stack isn't found, and this causes a silent
>> error.
> This behavior is the same. Note that on either platform, loading the
> second stack into memory first and then launching the first stack will
> produce the desired result in the IDE.
> -- 
> -Mark Wieder
>  mwieder at
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