about Galaxy

Stephen Barncard stephenREVOLUTION at barncard.com
Tue Sep 26 13:18:58 EDT 2006

please cross post this to the IMPROVE list as that's where Kevin and 
Marcus can see it..

Good detective work!!


>So perhaps this odd behavior is related to the one that is causing 
>problems for the Rev IDE.  If so, it would explain why they are 
>having such a hard time reproducing as it could be related to what 
>stacks people are working on.  I don't know.  Hopefully this will 
>help shed some light on the subject though.
>Trevor DeVore
>Blue Mango Learning Systems - www.bluemangolearning.com
>trevor at bluemangolearning.com

stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
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