
J. Landman Gay jacque at
Sun Sep 24 01:26:09 EDT 2006

Luis wrote:
 > Hiya,
 > Ok, what I want to be able to do is control which speaker the sound is
 > coming from and be able to change the frequency ('pitch') of the
 > generated tone/note.

Well, that's tricky, as Rev doesn't currently support direct creation of 
  pitch variations. If you only need a few different pitches, then the 
easiest thing is to pre-record them and use a player object to play them 
back. You could control the playback via the QT external (which I wasn't 
aware had panning control until we both read it here. That's cool.)

But if you need dynamic pitch variation created on the fly, then I guess 
you were correct from the beginning and you should write MIDI files to 
disk. You could use one of the MIDI generator stacks for guidance, and 
study the scripts to see how it is done. Write your MIDI instructions to 
a text file, immediately set a player's filename to the path to that 
text file, and then use the QT external to control playback. It's a 
hack, but if you can write the MIDI files it should work.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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