MySQL update, RevStudio crashes

Viktoras Didziulis viktoras at
Mon Sep 18 12:29:44 EDT 2006

Dear group, 
I updated my MySQL server to 5.0.22, and now my Rev studio started to crash.
Can anyone please, give an advice on what else I have to update in my
RevStudio 2.7.1. It stopped working at all with updated mysql, then I copied
the new libmysql.dll to Revolution Studio\2.7.0-gm-1, but still can not
locate a new copy of dbmysql.dll (url?). Might this (old dbmysql) be a
reason of instability, can anyone provide a link of the dll suitable to use
with revolution. It is missing in the MySQL (no-install) package... 
Best wishes 

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