Good ways to overcomplicate your code and slow down

Robert Sneidar bobs at
Fri Sep 15 16:37:46 EDT 2006

Actually I use comments in a fairly unique way. I pseudocode what I  
want to do in comments, and then code around the comments so I can  
keep track of where I am at and what I am trying to accomplish.  
Removing comments later may make the code more readable, but for code  
in progress I find I save a LOT more time pseudocoding first so I can  
concentrate on program flow. I do the actual "how do I go about doing  
this" thinking later. I only have the energy to power up one side of  
my brain at a time. I burned out some circuits a long time ago.  
Another story.

Bob Sneidar
IT Manager
Logos Management
Calvary Chapel CM

>>> If anyone else has common timewasters and app bloating techniques,
>>> let's hear 'em!
>> Comments. Don't put in comment lines - they only slow down trying to
>> read the actual code. Code, especially xtalk, should be readable by
>> itself. If your code needs comments then it isn't well written.
> Although I agree with you to some degree, I feel that comments are  
> necessary
> to identify certain "blocks" of functionality; not necessarily  
> individual
> lines, or for certain exceptions for the next programmer, like:

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