XP Home vs. Pro vs. Embedded

Richard Miller wow at together.net
Wed Sep 13 11:12:31 EDT 2006

Our Rev application is to be used on kiosks, so the software (which  
has a lot of moving parts to it) could be used continuously  
throughout a given day. We're currently testing it under XP Home and  
seeing some instability over the course of use. I'm starting to think  
most of these problems are external to the application, as they occur  
unpredictably, without any pattern, and are difficult to reproduce on  
demand. Two items come to mind: inadequate RAM (512 on a new Fujitsu  
laptop) and our use of XP Home.

I don't know what else is running on this Fujitsu that might be  
effecting reliability. It's an off-the-shelf unit and I'm not  
familiar enough with XP to know which software I can disable (being a  
Mac person) to make the unit more reliable.

My question is, would upgrading to XP Pro or Embedded possibly create  
a more reliable unit, and/or would adding more RAM make a difference  
(the Rev application is the only application I am intentionally  
running on this unit).

Richard Miller
Imprinter Technologies

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