remove html tags from text

Mark Smith mark at
Fri Sep 8 15:27:18 EDT 2006

A little more research suggests that ">" will be ">" (greater  
than) and "<" will be "<" (less than). So I'm guessing that "<"  
and ">" in quoted strings won't be a problem.

What will be a problem is turning ">" back into ">", and all the  
other de-escaping that the htmlText approach takes care of. I guess  
that there is a table of these things somewhere out there, so we'd  
need a function that uses such a table to make sure all our non-tag  
content is ok.

Other than that, the original function, with Mark Wieder and Jim  
Aults additions should handle many simple cases.



On 8 Sep 2006, at 20:07, Mark Smith wrote:

> To reveal yet more of my ignorance, is it likely (certain?) that  
> "<" and ">" that are not tag-ends will be urlEncoded (%3C and %3E,  
> I think)?
> Best,
> Mark
> On 8 Sep 2006, at 18:18, Richard Gaskin wrote:
>> For example, how does it account for "<" and ">" which may appear  
>> in quoted strings or comments?

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