"New" DST... how will that impact us?
Peter T. Evensen
pevensen at siboneylg.com
Tue Oct 31 13:01:59 EST 2006
I would assume Rev would just go off the system time, so it would be up to
Microsoft and Apple to make sure their computers adjust appropriately.
I know Macs (out of the box) can get the time off the internet, so that
would be an easy fix.
At 11:29 AM 10/31/2006, you wrote:
>Well, if we didn't have enough issues with dates, here's a new twist: The
>"Energy Policy Act of 2005" was passed through Congress recently and it is
>going to cause Daylight Savings Time to start a month earlier and end a week
>later starting next year (2007).
> http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=6393658
>So since apparently only the US is doing this (am I right about that?), it
>would seem to mean that any code the depends on DST starting the first
>Sunday in April and ending the last Sunday in October will have to change.
>And if the reason PCs and Macs can automatically switch over to DST is
>because of "hard-coded" information on the motherboard, then they will have
>to change too.
>Does anybody know what other computing effects this will have? Also, does
>anyone have any info about how Revolution will handle the change? (Perhaps
>this is best asked of RunRev...)
>Don't want this to be another "Y2K"...
>Ken Ray
>Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
>Web site: http://www.sonsothunder.com/
>Email: kray at sonsothunder.com
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Peter T. Evensen
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