External won't load on some machines

Dar Scott dsc at swcp.com
Mon Oct 30 16:13:10 EST 2006

On Oct 29, 2006, at 11:49 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

> The external is located in the correct Externals folder (Rev)
[I thought this was for RunRev externals.  I thought the standalone  
builder took these, and put them in some standard place and messed  
with the externals property of main stack of the application so they  
are loaded immediately.]
> and in the correct place in the application bundle in the standalone.
Is this correct place in the sense that that is where the standalone  
builder puts them?

I deviate from that so I might not be much help.  I usually don't  
load externals from the main stack.  I don't have a good feel for  
what the standalone builder is doing to my stuff.

Maybe you can add something to your script where you find it is not  
loaded that sends to stdout the defaultFolder and the externals  
property of the main stack.

> What would make an external fail to load on some machines and not  
> others?

As you know, an external loads with the stack it is associated with  
and relative to the defaultFolder.  Could the defaultFolder be  
getting changed in some environments?  Andre has suggested that  
setting some things in startup might help.  That suggests (to me)  
that externals for even the main stack might be loaded after  
startup.  (A surprise to me.)  If your external is bound to the main  
stack, then maybe some environmental aspect is tested in startup and  
the defaultFolder is changed in some cases but not in others.

If the external is bound to some other unopened stack such as a  
substack, you might be calling some function of that stack sooner  
than you thought--forcing compilation--and the defaultFolder might  
not be set right at that time.

Just some rambling that might contain a hint somewhere...


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