MS SQL Connectivity ?
Cat Kutay
ckutay at
Mon Oct 16 22:35:26 EDT 2006
not sure htis helps, but the steps i use for mysql are:
1.Put the sql file my.ini in c:\windows directory so that is the system
default for sql access parameters
For instance if mysql is running on port 3306 this needs to be set in
this file
2.In sql configuration, set root to remote access of database. Seemed to
be needed even when using on localhost
3.Set user to root in your Revolution request, again seemed to be
necessary probably for same reason as previous step ie
0/1 depending on ssl usage
Note do not need "localhost" in host parameter
4.If you ahve more than one sql running on your system, check the
process called 'mysql' is the correct one, ie the one you want to be
access, is up and running, etc.
5. set path in Revolution script to the server which is up and running,
in step 4.
revSetDatabaseDriverpath "C:\Program Files\mysql\bin"
6. Also check your internet firewall is not blocking access to sql
server (even localhost)
> Dave Herndon herndogy at wrote:
> Anyone know of a way to open a database connection with a MS SQL server database from within revolution ? The same string that works for SQlight which includes the username, password, etc doesn't work for MS SQL Server. I have however obtained success by entering my username and password in the ODBC settings in the Windows administrative tools control pannel. Then the connection string works. But I would rather not have to mess with this on every client computer.
> Any answers ?
> Dave
Cat Kutay )\._.,--....,'``.
Room 206 CSE _/, _.. \! _\ ;`._ ,.
UNSW, Australia, 2052. `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'
Email: ckutay at
Ph: 61 (0)2 9385 5257 Fax: 61 (0)2 9385 5995
Mob: 0418 455 089
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the spirit we offer will they really feel at home in this land. To do
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