revSpeak to audio file?

Dom mcdomi at
Mon Oct 16 08:22:01 EDT 2006

Richmond Mathewson <geradamas at> wrote:

> Poking around on my Mac I found the follwoing
> Apple-Script command:

and I found this one, to write down in the

$ say -o mail.aiff "You got Mail\!"

I am not exactly a Terminal Geek, but I am using... Revolution to exert
some tedious actions, such as (return caveat) to backup muy Mail folder:

on mouseUp
  get shell("rsync -aE /Users/domi/Library/Mail/
  if the result is not empty then answer the result else answer
"Commande réussie !"
end mouseUp

and to manage different iPhoto bases:

on mouseUp
  get shell("defaults read RootDirectory")
"Commande réussie !"
  answer it
end mouseUp

on mouseUp
  put "defaults write RootDirectory" && quote &
"/Users/domi/Pictures/iPhoto\ Library" & quote into cde
  get shell(cde)
  if the result is not empty then answer the result else answer
"Commande réussie !"
end mouseUp

to see invisibles files in the Finder (toggle via a custom property):

on mouseUp
  get the showinvis of me
  if it then
    get shell("defaults write AppleShowAllFiles 0")
    if the result is not empty then 
      answer the result 
      set the showinvis of me to false
      set the label of me to "Show Invisibles"
    end if
    get shell("defaults write AppleShowAllFiles 1")
    if the result is not empty then 
      answer the result 
      set the showinvis of me to true
      set the label of me to "Hide Invisibles"
    end if
  end if
  get shell("killall Finder")
end mouseUp

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