Is this weird or is it me?

Robert Brenstein rjb at
Thu Oct 12 03:43:05 EDT 2006

>I guess it depends on how you define "disabled"... I don't define disabled
>as "transparent", but "inert". Meaning that it acts like any other button
>you click that is disabled - nothing happens.
>Ken Ray
>Sons of Thunder Software
>Web site:
>Email: kray at

I don't think transparency should define behavior of a button. 
Otherwise, we would have to toggle transparency besides 
disabling/enabling to accomplish some behaviors.

If a disabled button did not pass the mouseclicks, it would have to 
trigger the scripts me thinks. If swallowing was accepted behavior, 
would it be restricted to mouseclicks, actually, mouseDown, mouseUp, 
or all mouse events, or all events applicable to the object? What for 
fields or other objects that can act like buttons?

Can of worms IMHO. I believe the current behavior is fine. It is 
predictable, easily explained, and consistent among all objects. It 
may catch someone by a surprise once a while but that is part of 


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