How to start this project...

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Tue Oct 10 14:12:33 EDT 2006

Adrian Williams wrote:
 > Jacqueline,
 > Sorry to be a bore. Found that...
 > set the caseSensitive to true
 > deals with CAPS/lower case

Right. Or you can check out the charToNum function, which allows you to 
specify a range of ascii values.

 > call "aFunction" of card "The Other Card"
 > deals with calling the function.

You don't need this, all you need to do is put the function somewhere in 
the message path. If all your fields are on the same card, put the 
function in the card script. If they are all on different cards, but the 
function in the stack script. You don't need to "call" it, the function 
will be found automatically. "Call" is for a different purpose.

There is a very good tutorial about the message hierarchy in the 
Scripting Conference tutorials we presented a while back:


You might want to go through all of those in order, actually, if you 
have time. Each one builds on the previous one. If you don't have time, 
then just look at the ones you want to learn about. I do think that a 
solid understanding of the message hierarchy is crucial to Rev 
development though. You won't get far without it.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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