Focus and Text Fields

Richmond Mathewson geradamas at
Fri Oct 6 03:45:19 EDT 2006

I have the following script in a Card:

on openCard
  put "We" into fld "F1"
  focus on fld "F1"
end openCard

now what this does is:

it puts "We" into the field "F1"

and then

puts the cursor BEFORE "We" in the field "F1"

(nothing terribly remarkable there!)


I would like it so that when the FOCUS is set to field
"F1" the
cursor is set after the letters "We"

AND - - -

directions for how to put a cursor anywhere in a
string inside a field:

e.g. Between "I" and "a drink"

in "I a drink"


Of course this question has a general application.

I would be very grateful for any help.

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson


"Philosophical problems are confusions arising owing to the fluidity of meanings users attach to words and phrases."
                                       Mathewson, 2006

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