Petition Google through Suggestions to add Revolution to Code Search

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Thu Oct 5 19:43:26 EDT 2006

Lynn Fredricks wrote:
> 43c2705d11f
> Ive started a thread in the google approved suggestion pit of doom (I mean
> group box) to add Revolution. If you are interested, please show your
> approval and participation :-)
> Best regards,

Reading their article about this, it doesn't seem to be a permissions 
thing, it appears to be a specialized search engine for code snippets 
available on the internet.

If RR would allow google to search the mailing list archives and forums, 
then Rev code would automatically be in there, I think. The more 
publicly available code, the more results the search engine will 
display. Someone has posted after you, indicating this.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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