Help with table fields and cell editing

Stephen Barncard stephenREVOLUTION at
Wed Oct 4 12:49:16 EDT 2006

I share your pain about table fields. Out of the box, stock, they act 
quite odd. What we wanted was basically Excel, what we got was to me 
so strange that I didn't want to go there. But I think that they need 
additional coding to make them usable by humans. (see links to Eric 
Chatonet stack below)

Some hard core among us has tried to tackle this, but most find a 
different way to approach the problem, like tab-delimited lists that 
display a field hovering just above where clicked, etc.

Rev officials have admitted that Rev Tables is flawed, and has 
mentioned that improvements are in the works in some future date.

The beauty of rev is that if you don't like the way a particular 
prefab control works, you can roll your own that will usually do the 
job better.

Having said that, list member Eric Chatonet has offered some tips on 
using table fields. He seems to have found a way to make them work 
like you want.

here's the stack: (watch word wrap)


download his Tutorial stack, and choose the appropriate topic.

>I have a Rev 2.7.4 (build 291) PC interface for database editing that is in
>great shape except for one feature, directly editing a list of points. It
>seems to me that this should be a natural table field & cell editing task,
>but I can not see how to make it work.
>I can post to bugzilla if this the problem is not unique to me.
>Thanks in advance.
>Walton Sumner

stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
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