Hypercard to Studio conversion

Mark Swindell mdswindell at cruzio.com
Wed Oct 4 01:17:25 EDT 2006

close command

Platform support:
Introduced in version 1.0

Closes a stack window.

close stack

close stack "Fearsome Stack"
close the defaultStack

See also: close file command, close printing command, close process  
command, close socket command, destroyStack property, go command,  
revCloseVideoGrabber command, How do I open and close a drawer?, How  
do I respond to closing a window?

Use the close command to close a stack without user intervention.

The stack is any open stack.

The close command closes the stack window immediately, but it does  
not necessarily remove the stack from memory. A stack that is closed  
but in memory still takes up space in RAM and its objects are still  
accessible to scripts.

If the stack's destroyStack property is set to false, or there are  
other stacks in the same file that are still open, closing the stack  
does not purge the stack from memory.

If the handler that closes the stack is in the script of the stack  
(or in the script of an object in the stack) and the stack's  
destroyStack property is true, the stack window is closed  
immediately, but the stack is not removed from memory until after the  
handler completes.


On Oct 3, 2006, at 4:25 PM, Gordon Shimizu wrote:

> I'm in the process on converting a number of my hypercard stacks into
> Studio.  I find Studio handlers very similar to hypercard's.   
> However, the
> converted stacks do not behave as in hypercard (didn't expect it to!).
> My converted stacks consist of a master directory stack that was  
> linked to a
> subdirectory stack then to the individual topic stacks.  In  
> hypercard, when
> I opened the master directory stack to open the subdirectory stack the
> master directory stack would simply close.  In studio, the master  
> directory
> stack window is still open and behind the subdirectory window.  How  
> can I
> get the master directory to close as well as any stacks that is  
> opened from
> the subdirectory stack?
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