How to start this project...

Jim Ault JimAultWins at
Tue Oct 3 16:29:51 EDT 2006

If you are replacing each char, then you need a repeat loop that calls the
lookup function once for each char.

--button script
on mouseup
  repeat for each char CH in fld input
    put lookupchar(CH) after newString
  end repeat
  put newString into fld output
  answer "You bidding has been done, Master" & cr & \
      fld input & "  has been converted to " & cr & \
      fld ouput
end mouseup

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

On 10/3/06 10:51 AM, "Adrian Williams" <adrian at> wrote:

> I decided to start with a simple function,
> before getting involved with what to do with the return value....
> On 2 Oct 2006, at 10:47, Martin Blackman wrote:
>> Jacqueline covered it much better than me there. The lookupchar
>> function was indeed intended as a separate function for you to write.
>> eg. you might do something like this
>> -- field "input" contains list of chars which should be replaced, eg
>> "ABC"
>> -- field "output" contains your desired output chars in matching
>> order, eg "123"
>> function lookupchar tchar
>>    get offset (tchar,field "input")
>>    if it = 0 then return tchar else \
>>            return char it of field "Output"
>> end lookupchar
> So... I made a new main Stack: lookup.rev,
> created three fields: editedText, input, output,
> and a button to run the script.
> ABC is first line of 'input' field.
> 123 is first line of output filed.
> in field editedText, ABC is entered.
> Button is pressed.
> Result: "Error in handler"
> Hint: function.
> This function should work in its own right - yes?

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