sql update statement
Stephen Barncard
stephenREVOLUTION at barncard.com
Sun Oct 1 00:55:52 EDT 2006
you need to concatenate lines with the \ or ¬ character.
I still prefer the ¬ (option l on macs) char myself
Also you have ' quotes surrounding " quotes. Rev
doesn't work like PHP in that regard, it can only
quote to one level.
also global, script local and local variables can
be initialized by another variable, a literal
number or text string, but it can't be
initialized to a calculation on the right side of
the =. Also there's no typing in Rev.
so you would do
local builtString = ""
put \
fld "2srd3" & comma & fld "2srd4" & comma & \
fld "2srd5" & comma & fld "2srd6" & comma & \
fld "2srd7" & comma & fld "2srd8" & comma & \
fld "srideht" & comma & fld "smisccomment" into builtString
to make a comma delimited string from a bunch of fields.
I actually like to put the names of the fields in
a list and store data in an array. using rev's
array notation.
etc. Arrays can also be made using commas, tabs
or any delimiter. Lines in a list can be an array.
Building complex SQL statements can be done
easily in Rev, just perhaps not the way you're
used to.
Here's a simple SQL string:
SELECT * FROM `Contractors` ORDER BY `id` DESC
this is how you could put this into a variable for direct use as a SQL call.
put "SELECT * FROM `Contractors` ORDER BY `id` DESC" into tLocalVariable
if you needed to use it with vars for FROM and ORDER BY
use the words Contractors and ID as a placeholder
you could change them with replace this way
replace "Contractors" with "Installers" in tLocalVariable
replace "id" with "date" in tLocalVariable
you could also write a routine to replace the *
with a list of fields to display. A short handler
could be written to surround each field with a '
This also could be done with in-line variables or
fields contents, but a little trickier.
put "SELECT" && fld "fieldlist" && "FROM" && "'"
& label of btn "tableSelect" & "'"\
&& "ORDER BY" && "'" & (label of btn
"tableORderby") & "'" & "DESC" into tSQL
by using groups, a handler could determine all
grouped field names (which are designed to match
the database fields), then create an array of all
the data in the fields.
This is pretty heady stuff, MYSQL, to get into
with your first app. Perhaps you should try
something a little simpler to goof around with
to understand the 'Rev' way...
But don't get discouraged!
>I have a sql update statement that has several hundred items in it, is it
>possible to leave it in list format like this
>2srd3 = '"& fld "2srd3" &"',
>2srd4 = '"& fld "2srd4" &"',
>2srd5 = '"& fld "2srd5" &"',
>srideht = '"& fld "srideht" &"',
>smisccomment = '"& fld "smisccomment" &"',
>and not like this
> 2srd3 = '"& fld "2srd3" &"', 2srd4 = '"& fld "2srd4" &"', 2srd5 = '"& fld
>"2srd5" &"', srideht = '"& fld "srideht" &"', smisccomment = '"& fld
>"smisccomment" &"',
>why you might ask do I want to do this, well once I get out quit a ways on
>one line rev seems to not like it and starts to give me problems run slow,
>and not want to copy and paste
>I tried the above list format but it does not like the returns after each
>comma, what can I do to correct this?
>Robert Mann
stephen barncard
s a n f r a n c i s c o
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