Saving information in Revolution.

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Sat May 27 18:06:00 EDT 2006

Hi Alvaro,

on closeCard
   save this stack
end closeCard


on closeStackRequest
   save this stack
   pass closeStackRequest
end closeStackRequest

There is also a closeStack handler, but you might want to use the  
closeStackRequest handler because you could decide whether you really  
want to close the stack, in the closeStackRequest handler, which will  
be useful when your project grows more advanced.

Are you sure you want to save the information in the stack? If you  
are going to make standalones, you probably want to save the data in  
a text file or in a stack that is not part of the standalone.

Best regards,


P.S. It is not necessary to quote messages that have nothing to do  
with the subject.


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Op 28-mei-2006, om 0:53 heeft Alvaro Abril - Tecnologia het volgende  

> Dear Sirs:..
> How i use :
> On closecard
> End closecard
> To save information? I cant save information, because in Hypercard,  
> save is
> automatic...
> How I can?
> Best regards, Alvaro


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