Video at the conference.

Stephen Barncard stephenREVOLUTION at
Fri May 26 04:43:34 EDT 2006

Sorry to be so harsh, Dan... my point was.. if one is going to do 
something.. it's not that much harder to do it just a little better -


>Chastisement noted and accepted.
>There were no advance plans to video last year. It happened
>spur-of-the-moment. We had two rooms of content going on most of the time
>but only one camera. I did not intend to suggest that we couldn't have done
>better last year or that we don't know how to do better this year. It's just
>that there are only so many things two guys with busy lives and businesses
>can do to support a conference that continues to be essentially a labor of
>love for them.
>As Chipp has said elsewhere on this list, he and I are now discussing
>options for providing some sort of video support this year. When we resolve
>the best way to approach it, we'll post it to the list.
>On 5/22/06, Stephen Barncard <stephenREVOLUTION at> wrote:
>>With all due respect Dan, that was a pretty lowball video set up last

stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
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