The ssl library again

Dave Cragg dcragg at
Thu May 25 18:38:45 EDT 2006

On 25 May 2006, at 21:06, Dar Scott wrote:

> On May 25, 2006, at 11:12 AM, Mark Smith wrote:
>> libUrlSetSSLVerification false -- or I simply get certificate errors
>> put "https://securesrveicename.wsdl" into tURL
>> put URL tURL into fld "Response"
>> simply times out,
>> while using the shell 'curl'
>> put "https://securesrveicename.wsdl" into tURL
>> get shell("curl" && tURL)
>> put it into fld "response"
>> gets the wsdl reliably, so the problem must surely be with the  
>> library, or at least libUrl, I think.
> I did a quick check of using https with 'libUrlSetSSLVerification  
> false' and got a timeout error the first time (or maybe two) but  
> got results after that.  Maybe the timeout is too short.

I just tried a few https urls and got timeouts about 30-50% of the  
time on OS X 10.4.6 (on an intel mac-mini) with all the latest OS  
updates. On my XP machine, I'm not getting timeouts.

Mark, what OS and version are you using?


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