Use emulated look for app permanently

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Sat May 20 14:33:28 EDT 2006

Garrett Hylltun wrote:
> Rev 2.6.1 / Linux
> Greetings,
> Is it possible to permanently use one of the emulated "look & feel" 
> themes in a standalone rev app?
> That motif is just so ugly that I'd rather use the Windows emulated look 
> all the time for any Linux app I make.

Try setting the "lookandfeel" property to either "windows 95" or 
"macintosh". This is a global property that affects the entire 
environment. I haven't actually tried it in a standalone but it is worth 
a test.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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