Implementation of a database

Ian McKnight iangmcknight at
Sat May 20 02:57:04 EDT 2006


I'm developing an application for personal use that needs database
features and would appreciate some advice on the best storage method
to employ for scalability.

At present I have 60 records each with 18 text fields. The fields are
name, address, Date of Birth etc., class in school and attendance.
However I can envisage the number of records doubling quite quickly
and I would see an upper limit of perhaps 500 records as being a very
realistic maximum.

The records are used to produce printed lists (rolls) on a monthly
basis and summary sheets (attendance) annually. The attendance is
updated monthly as well.

I realise that I can put one record for each card or read the data
from a text file or custom property into 1 card or even use SQL at
some stage. My preference would be to have one record per card but is
this the best option for my application? At present I'm using Rev
Media 2.7.

Thanks for your help

Ian McKnight

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