How do I put Toolbox objects into a table control?

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Fri May 19 07:41:21 EDT 2006

Hi Mark,

It is easy enough to make a group with the objects you need. Then  
make another group and if you want to add an item to your list, copy  
group 1 into group 2. After correctly positioning the objects, you  
can obtain a table effect.

You could also check out Shao Sean's impressive list box library:


Although it is "still in development", I believe it works pretty well.

Best regards,



Consultancy and Software Engineering

Salery is the easiest way to get your own web store on-line: http://

Op 19-mei-2006, om 1:10 heeft <mfstuart at> <mfstuart at>  
het volgende geschreven:

> Hi all,
> I'm starting to "move along" with learning Studio 2.7.
> Although the questions still come.
> How do I put other controls into a table control, for example, a  
> check box, or a combo box? That is, a column of check boxes.
> If I can, will it allow the end user to do live updates to these  
> controls?
> e.g.: if the user clicks on a check box in a table, with scripts,  
> can I get it to check and uncheck, at the same time changing the  
> data in the table?
> Hope that makes sense.
> TIA,
> Mark

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