Saving a stack state and variables

Rob Beynon r.beynon at
Thu May 18 15:49:31 EDT 2006

Hi all,
I have a slightly weird stack
that does something specific for our research.

Basically, you enter one field (sequence) or download from the web,
then perform various operations based on choices, to generate an SVG
file that can the be edited externally. It's a bit specialised, but we
like it.

However, I now want to use save and load menus to save the sequence
and the options in a file, and then reload it to generate that view
sometime in the future.

I therefore need to write out to a file the contents of all fields,
and the status of all buttons and menus, as well as some variables.
Because some fields can have many lines, it is not as simple as one
entry per line.

What more sophisticated methods would you suggest? The saved file
doesn't have to be human readable, although that would be a bonus.

All best wishes,

(Created at 20:44 on 18/05/2006)

Prof. Rob Beynon                    |+44 151 794 4312 (voice)
Dept. Veterinary Preclinical        |+44 151 794 4243 (fax)
Sciences, University of Liverpool,
Crown Street, Liverpool L69 7ZJ     |mailto:r.beynon at
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