Playing mp3 on Windows (XP Embedded)

Ben Rubinstein benr_mc at
Wed May 17 06:33:05 EDT 2006

Thomas McCarthy <tominjapan at ...> writes:
> My gut is telling me that it three things:
> 1. could be a filepath issue.
> 2. Is the file extention ok?
> 3. I'm hungry.

Hi Thomas,

Thanks for your response, but I don't think any of these three things
are it.

I'm using a stack with a button to set the path from a standard file
browser.  I have the stack, the mp3 file (which has the ".mp3"
extension), and StackRunner all loaded on a USB flash drive.  I can
plug this drive into various PCs running various versions of Windows,
and in each case launch StackRunner, open the stack, select the mp3
file... on all the standard installs, it works fine, on the XP
Embedded machine with retro-fit Windows Media Player, I get the error.

So it's not the file (which I can double-click on the XP Embedded
machine, it opens in WMP, plays fine); not the filepath; probably not
your hunger.  Rev can play previously imported audioclips on the XP
Embedded machine, but I know from earlier discussions that it doesn't
play mp3 natively, but hands off to either Quicktime or WMP.  So
there's something which is preventing that hand-off working.

Still looking....



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