I was a Hypercard and supercard expert

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at economy-x-talk.com
Tue May 16 16:45:13 EDT 2006

Hi Alavaro,

Sure, Revolution is a great programme, but when do *you* consider a  
programme "good"? :-) Tell us what you expect from a good programme  
and we'll gladly tell you if Revolution has it.



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Op 16-mei-2006, om 22:19 heeft Alvaro Abril - Tecnologia het volgende  

> Dear Sirs.. It´s Revolution a good software for serious  
> development? Some
> years ago I was a Developer with Supercard and Hypercard in  
> Macintosh.. do
> you think, Revolution is a good program ?
> Best wishes, Alvaro Abril, www.alvaroabril.com , Columbian man  
> living in
> Guatemala, Tech Manager, www.fantasticguatemala.com

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