Server permissions

Bill Vlahos bvlahos at
Mon May 15 23:27:04 EDT 2006

How can I determine the permissions on a server share/volume? I would  
like to document the server permissions on our file servers (both Mac  
OS X Server and Windows 2000 and 2003 servers).

I have an immediate need to do this on OS X (10.3.x) servers as I'll  
be upgrading them to 10.4. I am thinking of bringing up a whole new  
server and transferring the folders/files to it and then setting the  
permissions to match the old server.

Is there a Rev command that will give me permissions on the folder or  
file or do I need to script the shell? I assume I will need to run  
the application on the server itself so that it has access to all of  
the settings.

Info for each Share or Folder:
	Path: /User Files
	Owner: Admin : Read & Write
	Group: General Users : Read Only
	Everyone: No access

If I can get the command then I could build a permissions browser  
database for an entire server.

Bill Vlahos

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