Send Keys

Todd Geist tg.lists at
Fri May 12 15:19:43 EDT 2006

On May 12, 2006, at 12:00 PM, Ken Ray wrote:

>> How I yearn for something like QuickKeys but in Rev.
> I don't suppose you can use both, can you? Last time I looked,  
> QuickKeys was
> scriptable, so you could tell QK to do things from Rev... of course  
> that was
> several years ago...

Yes you can do this, but I would like to distribute this application  
commercially, so that really won't work for me.  Now if Quick Keys  
just had a player that you could license that would be great!  Maybe  
I should ask them,  hmmm.



Todd Geist
g e i s t   i n t e r a c t i v e

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