Rev and Windows local networking

Kurt Kaufman kurtkaufman at
Wed May 10 10:24:29 EDT 2006

This is actually more of a Windows networking question rather than a Rev 
question per se:
I have a small XP Pro local network using a router. Since the router is 
connected to the Internet via DSL, I have the Zone-Alarm firewall set up on 
each of the 3 networked PCs; it allows shared access to PCs within a given 
IP range.

Everything OK, then one day the IP address of one of the PCs changes, and 
Zone Alarm (as it's supposed to) prohibits access to/from the PC.  The Rev 
program's db cannot be accessed, so it will no longer function across the 

I then altered the network TCP/IP setting on all of the PCs from "Obtain an 
IP address automatically" to using a manually entered address.  This has 
apparently solved the problem.
The networked Rev program works again.

Is there anything I have to watch out for here?  I had to manually enter a 
default Gateway as well as a preferred DNS server; will this fail if the DSL 
"modem" is reset?  The DSL is set up using a dynamic address.

Sorry this is a bit complicated and somewhat off-topic, but as I have to 
ensure that my networked Rev program continues to work, I need to know.

Thanks, Kurt

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