Sort-of OT: Learning Python

Geoff Canyon gcanyon at
Sat May 6 11:18:49 EDT 2006

On May 5, 2006, at 2:25 AM, Alex Tweedly wrote:

> Before I go and read the blog, I'll take a wild guess that you're  
> on a Mac.

True, but most of the issues I saw were platform-independent. For  
example, the latest version of Boa Constructor is 0.4.4-Alpha. Is the  
alpha release stable? If I don't want to use an alpha release, it  
looks like I need to go back to 0.2.2. Everything since then (three  
years ago) has been an alpha release.

In any case, I'm passing on Boa Constructor. Next I'll look at SPE,  
Komodo, and Wing.



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