Extracting PICT resources

Sarah Reichelt sarah.reichelt at gmail.com
Tue May 2 19:23:04 EDT 2006

On 5/3/06, Devin Asay <devin_asay at byu.edu> wrote:
> I'm converting an old Hypercard app to Revolution. That app used PICT
> resources in stacks to store images. There are hundreds of them.
> Before I start doing them one by one in Photoshop, does anyone know
> whether I could write a rev stack to automate this? I've looked at
> the commands that work with Mac Classic resource forks, but I don't
> know enough about how they're structured to try to extract just the
> PICT resources. Has anyone tried anything like this? Failing that, is
> there existing software that does this? I've tried GraphicConverter,
> which purports to do batch conversions, but I couldn't make it work
> with PICT resources.

Hi Devin,

I wrote a stack ages ago to copy resources. It was designed to copy
them from a HyperCard stack to a Rev stack. I don't know how it would
go with PICTs but you are welcome to try it.

If you can get the PICTs into a Rev transfer stack, I'm sure you can
write a script to export them as JPGs, PNGs or whatever.


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