Optimize This!

Todd Geist tg.lists at geistinteractive.com
Mon May 1 11:22:47 EDT 2006

Thanks Alex and Mark!

I have it in place now and it is working great. Here is the final  
version I settled on.  NOTE in my scenario, I open and close the file  
further up the chain because I call this function 4 times in a row.

FUNCTION GetPositionInBinaryFile pPath, pString, pStart, pOccurrence
     put the number of chars in pString into tStringLength
     put 100000 into tSize
     IF tStringLength = 0 THEN return 0
     IF tStringLength > tSize THEN return 0
     IF pStart = "" THEN PUT 1 into pStart
     IF pOccurrence = "" THEN PUT 1 into pOccurrence
     put 0 into tFoundCount
     put 0 into tPos
     -- file is already open so we don't need this
     --open file pPath for binary read
         read from file pPath at pStart for tSize
         put it into tData
         IF the number of chars in tData < tStringLength THEN return 0
         put 0 into tCharsToSkip
             put offset(pString, tData, tCharsToSkip) into n
             IF n > 0 THEN
                 add  1 to tFoundCount
                 IF tFoundCount = pOccurrence THEN
                     put pStart + tCharsToSkip + n into tPos
                     -- close file pPath
                     Return tPos
                     add n + tStringLength to tCharsToSkip   -- what  
about overlapping sub-strings ??!!
                 END IF
                 -- no more to be found in this block
                 EXIT REPEAT
             END IF
         END REPEAT
         -- we get here when n = 0, i.e. no more occurrences in this  
         put pStart + tSize - tStringLength into pStart

END GetPositionInBinaryFile


Todd Geist
g e i s t   i n t e r a c t i v e

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