[OT] Platform-specific web page

Leland Jackson lelandj at mail.smvfp.com
Tue Mar 28 23:20:39 EST 2006

What I realized 7 or 8 years ago, is the Internet is the new OS in which 
about all application will run.  I think other people around the world 
are beginning to understand the change that is coming.  Microsoft may 
still control the OS market share today, but I believe the Internet OS 
will controls the future over which most all applications must 
standardize and live.

All the other OS(s) like Unix, Solaris, Mac, Linux, and Windows will 
have their own version of a web server, that will offer up the 
applications, but the desktop computers, laptop computers, cell phones,  
ipods, and other future web clients will be standardize, so a web 
application will be accessible and run in the web OS, with all the web 
hardware, networks, web languages, and web standards, across the board.  
This will make all the other OS(s) like Windows, Linux, Mac, and Unix 
less relevant, as the web applications will perform and look the same 
regardless of which of these platforms is used.  The Internet, and its 
tools, including the web based languages like Java, .Net, Perl, Php, 
Python, Ruby, etc, and other coming languages and foundations, will 
continue to evolve, so the application interface will  become more 
robust, and the applications can be easily accessed using whatever 
platform is chosen.



J. Landman Gay wrote:

> Phil Davis wrote:
>> Hi Sarah,
>> Off the top of my head I don't remember, but (if you're not already 
>> aware of it) here's a GREAT site for all kinds of HTML/JS/browser/etc 
>> info:
>>    http://www.quirksmode.org/
> That's an interesting site, thanks for the link. He has a good article 
> on web applications there -- "Web Applications, Promise or Hype?" -- 
> which fits in with some of the things recently discussed on the list 
> here. A partial quote:
> "In order to draw users towards Web applications, they must have 
> clear, easily explained advantages over desktop applications—and not 
> all that stuff about "vendor independence" and "standards support", 
> either. That's tech speak. Users don't care about it.
> "I feel that a purely technical focus will lead to the slavish copying 
> of desktop application behavior to an alien environment where it'll 
> lose any usability comparision. That's the same error DHTML proponents 
> made years ago. A Web application should be a Web application, not a 
> bad copy of a desktop application."

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