Avoiding line cut-off in a multipage printout
Andre.Bisseret at inria.fr
Tue Mar 28 08:22:25 EST 2006
Hi Graham,
I had recently a lot of problem about printing (actually mainly with
Windows, not with Mac).
with Mac a number of differents procedure worked.
I give you here the one which eventually worked with Windows too.
I don’t claim that it is the best possible one ; likely it should be
optimized, simplified etc. but currently it is working on Windows as
well as on Mac.
I hope it will help you (could be some others) :-)))
I wrote this post a bit quicky ( and my english is not so good)
so,don’t hesitate to ask me questions about anything that would not be
clear. (I hope I will remember why I put such or such line ;-))). Some
line could be useless but for the moment I don't change anything !!!!
My stack has about 300 cards. Each card presents a text (analysis of
scientific articles) in aVscrolling field. Often the text exceeds the
visible par of the field. On each card there are also other (non
scrolling) fields containing « name of the author », a code of the
text, the title of the text, the reference of the article the text is
about etc.
Sorry, I keep naming my objects as it is, often in French ; It would be
too long to change them in the script ; I will tried to translate when
necessary. I hope that wont be too disturbing.
I don't use "formatForPrinting" ; I tried it with a printingStack (not
a substack) without success.
I don't use either the scrolling technique.
best regards from Grenoble
1 – I have a hidden field in my stack named « PourImprimer » (ToPrint)
In this fld I format a report composed from several fields on the
cards. (author, code of the text ; title and the text itself (in a fld
name « LeTexte ».
Below, a part of the script I am using : (concerns the installation of
the fld «LeTexte »
on formatPourImprimer
put empty into fld "pourImprimer"
put fld "leTexte" into fld "pourImprimer"
set the HTMLText of fld "pourImprimer" to the HTMLText of fld
put the number of lines of fld "pourImprimer" into truc
repeat with x = 1 to truc
if line x of fld "pourImprimer" is empty then next repeat
if line x of fld "pourImprimer" is not empty then
get the effective textSize of line x of fld "pourImprimer"
set the effective textSize of line x of fld "pourImprimer" to it
–2 -- that’s because otherwise the printed characters were too large.
end if
end repeat
-- actually I continue here to install the content of others field but
it is the same way.
end formatPourImprimer
2 – Moreover I created a subStack named « StackDImpression » (means
PrintingStack) with two fields :
one is named « tamponAImprimer » (means « bufferField)
the other is name « champDImpression » (means « FieldToBePrinted »).
This two fields have no border shown.
These two fields on it, have the same size. This size is calculated so
that it corresponds to the size of A4 page minus the margins.
A page A4 is in points (inches * 72) : 595 * 842
As I set the margins to : 72,50,50,72, the resulting size for my
subStack and its 2 flds is 473*720.
Actually, he subStack is a bit highter than its two flds, because at
the bottom of the substack I have a small field where I can put the
page number.
This substack remains not visible.
When the user click on a button « Print the text » on a card, then :
Here is the handler which is called :
5 – Finally I print
on Imprimer (means « print »)
go to stack "stackDImpression"
set the printmargins to 72,50,50,72
put the cardNames of stack "stackDImpression" into cardsToPrint
answer printer
open printing with dialog
if the result is "Cancel" then exit Imprimer
repeat for each line tCd in cardsToPrint
print tCd
end repeat
close printing
end Imprimer
1- I format the document (translation from the fld « LeTexte » to the
fld « pourImprimer » with new formating) as above.
2.– Then I put the fld « pourImprimer » into the fld « tamponAImprimer
» of the subStack ; and then I fill in the field « champDImpression »
from fld « tamponAImprimer », line after line (put one first line into
fld « champDimpression » delete this line in fld « tamponAImprimer »
etc until a page of field « champDImpression » be full. Then I continue
the same process on a new card filling in a new page for fld «
ChampDImpression ».
Below the handlers :
on FormaterLaFiche -- (means « format the text (in stackDImpression)
set the cursor to watch
GLOBAL lineToAdd
GLOBAL cardNum
GLOBAL gPrintHeight
miseAZéroStackDImpression -- see below the handler
set the printMargins to 72,50,50,72 -- likely not necessary here
put field "pourImprimer" into field "tamponAImprimer" of card 1 of
stack "StackDImpression"
set the htmlText of fld "tamponAImprimer" of cd 1 of stack
"stackDImpression" to\
the htmlText of fld "pourImprimer"
go to stack "stackDImpression" –which remains invisible
put the height of field "champDImpression" of stack
"StackDImpression" - 26 into gPrintHeight -- « -26 »
put empty into fld "champDImpression"
put empty into cardNum
repeat until fld "tamponAImprimer" is empty
-- if the mouseClick then exit repeat
put cardNum + 1 into cardNum
remplirUnePage -- see the handler below
put "Page" && cardNum into fld "champNoPage"
end repeat
go to last card of stack "stackDImpression"
if fld "champDImpression" is empty then delete this cd
reset cursors
end FormaterLaFiche
on miseAZéroStackDImpression -- simple but just to be complete ; it is
to delete the cards of the previous printing
put the number of cds of stack "stackDImpression" - 1 into NbrDeCartes
repeat NbrDeCartes
delete cd 2 of stack "stackDImpression"
end repeat
end miseAZéroStackDImpression
on remplirUnePage (means « fillinOnePage »)
go to Card CardNum
put the number of lines of fld "champDImpression" + 1 into lineToAdd
create card
go previous
repeat UNTIL the formattedHeight of fld "champDImpression" of cd
cardNum >= gPrintHeight
if the number of lines of fld "tamponAImprimer" = 0 then exit repeat
if line 1 of fld "tamponAImprimer" is empty then put cr after fld
"champDImpression" of cd cardNum
copy line 1 of fld "tamponAImprimer" – copy and paste is the easier
way I found (that keeps html format and is particularly efficient if
you have images embedded in the text
select line lineToAdd of fld "champDImpression" of cd cardNum –the
first empty line
set the clipboardData to empty
delete line 1 of fld "tamponAImprimer"
put lineToAdd + 1 into lineToAdd
end repeat
reformaterPage – see the handler below
replacerLesLignesIsoléesEnBas – see the handler below
end remplirUnePage
3 – When fld « tamponAImprimer » is empty then fld « champDImpression »
may be display on several cards (= several pages to print).
BUT, often, last line on a card is not entirely visible because it is
too long. Thus, I need to test this and if true then, : copy this last
line, delete it, and paste it at the top of the next card.
Below the handler :
on reformaterPage – means formatAgainPage
if the formattedHeight of fld "champDImpression" >= the height of
field "champDImpression" then
repeat until the formattedHeight of fld "ChampDImpression" < the
height of fld "champDImpression"
if the mouseClick then exit repeat
copy last line of fld "champDImpression"
go next
if the clipboardData is empty then
put cr before fld "champDImpression"
select before fld "champDImpression"
set the clipboardData to empty
go previous
delete last line of fld "champDImpression"
end if
end repeat
end if
end ReformaterPage
4 – But it remains one problem : last line of fld « champAImprimer »
can be an « isolated line », in French « une ligne orpheline » ( an
orphan line). Often it is a title which remains isolated as a last line
while the content of the passsage has been put on the next page.
So, I have another handler trying to solve as many such problems as
possible (depending on how easy it is to detect theses sort of cases).
Below the handler I am using (well, only to get the idea ; depends a
lot of your texts) :
on replacerLesLignesIsoléesEnBas --(means something like «put back the
isolated last lines)
case the textStyle of last line of fld "champDImpression" is "bold"\
and the foregroundColor of last line of fld "champDImpression" is
"0,0,0" –for me small sub-titles
copy last line of fld "champDImpression"
go next
select before fld "champDImpression"
set the clipboardData to empty
go previous
delete last line of fld "champDImpression"
case the foregroundColor of last line of fld "champDImpression" is
"0,0,255" – I have titles in blue
copy last line of fld "champDImpression"
go next
put cr before fld "champDImpression"
select before fld "champDImpression"
go previous
delete last line of fld "champDImpression"
case first char of last line of fld "champDImpression" is "*" and\
the number of chars of last line of fld "champDImpression" < 50 --
small lines in lists
copy last line of fld "champDImpression"
go next
put cr before fld "champDImpression"
select before fld "champDImpression"
go previous
delete last line of fld "champDImpression"
end switch
end replacerLesLignesIsoléesEnBas
Le Monday, 27 Mar 2006, à 19:38 Europe/Paris, Graham Samuel a écrit :
> Well, so far my experiments have been somewhat unsatisfactory. My
> surmise that you can't scroll beyond the bottom of the last page was
> correct: if say 60 lines fit on the first page and you have a total of
> 80 lines, scrolling the pixel equivalent of 60 lines won't make line
> 61 come to the top of the field: in fact AFAIK line 21 or thereabouts
> will come to the top of the field, so I will have to deal with the
> last page in a different way (for example by deleting all the lines
> except the ones that are meant to be on the last page, and printing
> what remains). The other odd thing that happened is that when I
> scrolled by the amount suggested in the pageHeights, the last line of
> page n was repeated at the top of page n+1. Probably my error, but so
> far I don't see how. A further point is that the RR docs (dictionary)
> suggests you print the field the text is in, but actually you can't
> print a field, only a card: so first you have to get the field to be
> the right size to fill the printable area on the page (to which there
> is no general solution) and then you have to print the card.
> I'll carry on experimenting. Haven't tried it on the PC yet (with the
> stack opened in FormatForPrinting mode). But it all seems a lot more
> complicated than I had hoped. I'd really like to save a text file and
> get the user to print it using the local text editor, but I don't
> think that's in the spec...
> Graham
> I wrote:
>> Thanks to Ken Ray and Dave Cragg for pointing out the existence 'the
>> pageHeights'. I had missed this. Although somewhat eccentric, i.e.
>>> Comments:
>>> The value reported by the pageHeights property is a list of numbers
>>> separated by returns. Each number is the height in pixels of a page
>>> full of text.
>>> You can use the pageHeights property to print the entire contents of
>>> a field by printing the field, setting the field's scroll to the
>>> first line of the pageHeights, printing the field again, setting the
>>> scroll to the current scroll plus line 2 of the pageHeights, and so
>>> on.
>>> The computations used by the pageHeights property assume the field's
>>> borderWidth property is set to zero and its margins is set to 6.
>> it does look like the answer. Thanks to you both. There does at first
>> sight seem to be one problem, which is that if the last page isn't
>> full of text, then AFAIK scrolling won't work, because the scroll
>> will include stuff from the previous page... but as I've been wrong
>> about everything else I'm probably wrong about this too. Also I'm not
>> sure what the implications of the margins being set to 6 are... nor
>> if this works when the formatForPrinting is set (I suppose so,
>> otherwise what would be the use of it?). I'll experiment.
>>> On 3/27/06 12:36 AM, "Graham Samuel" <livfoss at mac.com> wrote:
>>>> It gets worse! I see now that the script can't know the exact number
>>>> of lines that will be printed without clipping on a properly
>>>> formatted page under Windows! What I can't understand (as with other
>>>> aspects of printing) is why so few developers seem to care about
>>>> this. Not everybody reads stuff on the screen: for example teachers,
>>>> I find, want to carry bits of paper away with them (such as student
>>>> reports) even if the actual app is a highly interactive screen-based
>>>> thing.
> ----------------------------------------
> Graham Samuel / The Living Fossil Co. / UK and France
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André Bisseret
Directeur de recherche émérite
Adresse : 140 rue E. Béthoux - 38220 Vizille
Tél. : 04 76 68 15 24
Courriel : Andre.Bisseret at inria.fr
et : bisseret at andre-bisseret.com
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