Rev Media and the product line gap

Graham Samuel livfoss at
Mon Mar 27 04:02:00 EST 2006

On Sun, 26 Mar 2006 17:53:26 -0800, Richard Gaskin  
<ambassador at> wrote:

> Dan Shafer wrote:
>> It feels like this inconvenience is pretty minor unless the user  
>> actually
>> moves the mouse to the dock, moves around to find the app s/he  
>> wants to use
>> and clicks on it.
> This raises a question about who the product is targeted for:  If  
> one's
> doing multimedia and wants a backdrop, they probably don't want the  
> Dock
> and the menu bar.  If they want the Dock and the menu bar, they  
> probably
> don't want the backdrop.
> So what is the target market who prefers both a backdrop and the  
> Dock/menus?

I (or in fact my users - schoolchildren) represent a segment of that  
market. What they appear to want is the familiar look of the computer  
screen, which they are all of course already happy with, but without  
the distractions of other application windows  while they are working  
on the game-like app which I provide. These kids would be insulted  
not to see the dock/toolbar - it would just seem patronising to hide  
it. But they do want the current app to fill the available screen  
area. Or so my (very experienced) publisher tells me. To accomplish  
this using Rev itself I have done a home-grown backdrop that uses the  
windowBoundingRect and does some calculations.



Graham Samuel / The Living Fossil Co. / UK and France

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