Weirdness Passing Messages
David Burgun
dburgun at
Wed Mar 22 13:51:46 EST 2006
I have a 2 Stacks, StackMain and StackUtil. I used StackUtil as a
"library stack" via the start using command.
In the Stack Script for StackUtil I have the following functions:
In StackMain Card 2 ObjectX, I do:
function InitObject
get ListenForMessages("MessageX")
end InitObject
on MessageX
put "MessageX" into me
get PutMessage("MessageY")
end MessageX
on mouseUp
put "MessageX" into me
get PutMessage("MessageY")
end mouseUp
In StackMain Card 2 ObjectY, I do:
function InitObject
get ListenForMessages("MessageY")
end InitObject
on MessageY
put "MessageY" into me
end MessageY
In StackMain Card 2 ObjectA, I do:
on mouseUp
get PutMessage("MessageX")
end mouseUp
If I press the button associated with Card 1 Object, then MessageX
gets called in Card 2 ObjectX ok and ObjectX gets set to "MessageX".
All is fine. MessageY in Card 2 ObjectY gets called ok too, BUT the
field is NOT set to "MessageY" as expected????? However if I press
the button associated with Card 2 ObjectX, again the MessageY in Card
2 ObjectY gets called AND the field is set ok. All is fine.
The message passing has been tested and it works fine in general, but
it seems like the following path does not work:
Card1:ObjectA:mouseUp -->Card2:MessageX:Card2:MessageY does not work.
Card2:ObjectX:mouseUp -->Card2:MessageY works ok.
The weird thing is that the handlers do get called and I have stepped
over the statement that does:
put "MessageY" into me and that seems to work. However, when you
select card 2, the field has not been changed.
Any Ideas???
Thanks in Advance
All the Best
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