Making the move...
Judy Perry
jperryl at
Mon Mar 20 14:32:39 EST 2006
I believe this response to Chipp is a unfair.
The post you cite regarding Jerry was apologized for almost immediately
after he realized that he sent it to the list and not to Jerry personally.
And I seem to recall Jerry being nearly abusive in the posts sent around
that time. I don't have the time at present to go google pipermail to
cite each and every post, but you might wish to do so to revisit the issue
in its larger context.
As for Richmond, my impression (for what very little it is possibly worth)
is that, while he is perhaps an individual of passion and industriousness,
he can also be a tad on the nasty side (private and public mails) and
drove me nearly stark raving batty with his continued whining about why he
couldn't have Rev for free while the rest of us were paying as well as we
could to update our licenses and do our part to help the company maintain
revenue needed to fix whatever it was that any of us might have been
bitching about to get fixed. Teachers get paid for their teaching
assignments (not alot, I'll concede). Mightn't all students all similarly
insist that 'information wants to be free' and that teachers should just
give their time away and beg on the streets for daily bread? Outside of
Socrates (whose wife was continually begging him to go build walls and the
like), I suspect that there are remarkably few educators who would apply
to themselves the sentiment that they seem to demand of software
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