Mind mapping in Rev ?

Kresten Bjerg Kresten.Bjerg at psy.ku.dk
Sun Mar 19 00:08:42 EST 2006

On 3/17/06 6:20 PM, "Kresten Bjerg" <Kresten.Bjerg at psy.ku.dk> wrote:

>> Has anyone been experimenting with implementing elementary mind-mapping
>>functions in Rev ?

Rick replied: 

>Yes, I have, although I'd have to emphasize elementary.

>A user creates graphic objects like ovals to represent concepts, and
>connects them using the mouse to draw arrows.  When the user moves the mouse
>over a concept graphic, the graphic changes color, and a field appears
<showing custom text, like a tool tip, but with arbitrarily long text.  When
<the user moves the mouse over an arrow graphic, the arrow and the concepts
>it connects change color and show their custom text.  When the user clicks
>custom text, it's unlocked and selected, so the user can edit it.  When the
>user moves a graphic that has arrows to it or from it, the arrows move too.

>What do you want?

>By the way, according to conceptDraw.com, which offers a product called
>MINDMAP 4, Mind Mapping® and Mind Map® are registered trademarks of the
>Buzan Organization.

->- Dick


Hi Dick

(An awfully long response to short question:)

Your description sounds as close as it could be to what we am looking for.

A thought mapping device, idea-mapping, association-mapping, concept-mapping tool, -  trademarks politely avoided.
I dont know, to which extent such a facility has been fabricated as integrated with a system which affords a fourth, a temporal dimension, a temporal perspective 
This is at least my goal- to create an auto-phenomenalogical *IT logbook - program, which can make the iBook worthy of its name, but which can fit as well inside the MIT 100 dollars laptop

The autophenomenalogical method, as I have been developping it through the last ten years ,is for me the merging of my two main professional fields : Theories of personality  and qualitative research methods in psychology. (which I both have been teaching in the Department of Psychology, at the University of copenhagen) and my speciality: Domestic Information Dynamics,as explored empirically in an experimental appartment  through decades, and intensfied after my early retirement (as I could get no moral or financial support for the future of my domestic laboratory) 
The tool, the construction of which took its start in 1996, with the relatively new  Hypercard,  was based on the idea of taking the millenial traditions of handwritten and drawn diaries into the third millennium, where pens are becoming scarser and IT tools more forcefull.

With the advent of revolution, to which we transferred our result from the hypercard version, we have been unfolding the vision of a toolset for e-diary, an autocommunicative device, build upon the cognitive psychology-knowledge of the divion of labour between the two cerebral hemispheres.
So parallel to the text-universe we create a glyf-universe, - and instead of using Icons, - as does for example "Inspiration", we create glyfs as ascii characters in fonts. preliminary 12 fonts, with in all only app 450 prototypes.
We have created a minimal handfull of glyphs, and many of them are lousy. But in launching the machine as cross-cultural and cross-platform freeware, we expect to start a feed-back process, so we can have the freewareb proto-glyf-library grow and mature to the needs of young and old, rich and poor, unlearned and learned, moslem,jew,cristian, buddhist, Tao or what did I forget?....male or female
So, well,newness,complexity, informational overload and social challenges makes the individual a sailor, navigating each day ,over the diurnal strait from wake-up to falling asleep. We think the citizens, as basically lonely captains through ever new informational waters, winds, storms, downpours,Ice and Bureaucratic icebergs, chemical submarines,etc  needs a personal empirical logbook of the phenomena encountered, hopefully helping to insight, hindsight and foresight, and hopefully becoming a means of democratic documentary power-to-the people - up against buraucracies, authorities, exploiters and pushers, they encounter. 
So, when you ask me, what I need  it has two kinds of answers.

Answer 1 (ending with a question)
The Phenomenalog v. 16.2.3, as of March 11 2006  contains a set of 20 memo-buttons, linked to text&glyph-fields.
We need to arrange a way for standaloneusers to easy  distribute and  link such buttons and their aliases on a daycard the size of 9 windows, buttons themselves as background buttons, their aliases as tied to the stable or changing views from the bridge that day, and the diachronical diurnal positioning of phenomena in a non-textual, temporal glyf-dimension with a 10-minute precision.

So I am interested in knowing, whether you feel it wortwhile to let us share your knowledge, as we offer to share ours with you.
As a pensioned researcher at the age of 70 it is easy for me to insist on the freeware clause. But you may be in need of cash flow. The only offer I can give is to give you due credit in the credits of the Phenomenalog.
(You know you can inspect the preliminary format of the credits in the early version of the software, which you can inspect and download from the user-site under name Kresten (Beware of bugs!!!!)

Anwer 2
I / we   Steen Andersen (skya at webspeed.dk) and I (Kresten.bjerg at psy.ku.dk) will be gratefull, if someonen could help us to let us share a freeware set of handlers, to make standalone user able to select an e-mail or www adress in a textfield,on a card in stack "addresses", on the daycard or in a memo-field - and thus release a New-mail formula or a jump to this adress. We know of AltBrowser, but we need a freeware solution, as simple as possible.

Best regards

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