Can anyone explain me how to shorten the code I use?

Mark Smith mark at
Wed Mar 15 08:37:53 EST 2006

William, you can build the names of controls as you go, like so:

repeat with n = 1 to 25
   put "naam" & n into tFieldName
   put "naam" & n & "nivo" into tButtonName

end repeat

You get the idea,



On 15 Mar 2006, at 12:51, William de Smet wrote:

> f the text of field "naam1" = empty and the selectedtext of button
> "naam1nivo" = "1"
>  then answer error "Naam van leerling 1 mag niet leeg zijn!"
>  if the text of field "naam1" = empty and the selectedtext of button
> "naam1nivo" = "2"

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