stack images - pixmapID not supported in 2.7

Scott Rossi scott at
Sun Mar 12 05:45:52 EST 2006

Recently, Terry Judd wrote:

> Various cool routines for capturing stack images (including offscreen
> portions) that utilised the pixmapID of the stack were posted recently.
> Unfortunately they don't work in 2.7 as pixmapID is no longer
> supported. Any other ideas on how this might be achieved or is (as it
> appears) that it!

If I understood correctly, the Rev guys will be re-implementing pixmapID in
a later 2.7.x version.  For now, you can do screen captures using object
references in hidden windows:

    "...snapshots can be taken of objects that are not on the current
     card or in stacks that are not open."

An interesting benefit of this is that if you reference a control, the
screenshot includes the control's alphaData.

See "import" in the new docs for detailed info.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design
E: scott at

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