Latest Version of RunRev for Mac OS 9???

Jim Carwardine JimCarwardine at
Fri Mar 10 10:57:58 EST 2006

My guess it that developing for 2 Mac platforms is expensive for Rev when
(I suspect) that not too many Rev users are still using OS 9 or Classic.

I still am because I'm still using some very old Mac software that can't be
replaced on a Mac OSX platform - like MacProject - that has a 1989 date on
it.  I'll bet there are millions of Mac users out there as well using
ancient Macs that are frozen at OS 8 or 7.5.  Then there is this guy...
<> God love him.

I want Apple to stand by their promise to all third party developers years
ago when they published their Apple Mac Standards volumes - conform to these
standards and your application will always run on a Mac.  If they don't then
you and I will be stale-dated at OS 10.4.5 or whatever.

If they renege on that promise and cancel Classic it creates a huge problem
for developers who bought into it as there are still a huge number of OS 9
users out there.  After 20 years it is still good but it seems that Classic
will not be continued... Jim

on 3/10/06 11:27 AM, Robert Brenstein wrote:

> I wonder what that exactly means: no 2.7.0 but 2.7.1. or 2.7.2 or no
> 2.7.x at all.
> If the latters, RunRev could be accused of false advertisement. I
> wonder whether that is the same offense in Scotland as it is in the
> US. Furthermore, if they were planning not to have any 2.7.x release,
> why would they remove 2.6.x?
> I guess I am trying to stay optimistic and see their action in best
> possible light :)
>> Here is exactly what Heather told me...
>> <snip>
>> I am not expecting to see a 2.7 Classic version of Revolution I'm afraid.
>> <snip>
>> on 3/7/06 4:09 PM, Robert Brenstein wrote:
>>>>  Hi Dave... It's Rev 2.6.1 and you have to ask Heather directly.  It's
>>>>  doubtful that 2.7 or later will get to OS 9... Jim
>>>  I hope you are wrong, Jim. And the RR web site states that OS9
>>>  version is coming, whatever that means.
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