Expanded DPI images for printing -Good News (news to me anyway)...

Stephen Barncard stephenREVOLUTION at barncard.com
Thu Mar 9 14:59:13 EST 2006

I'm not sure how to set this up in a .png save from Photoshop, or if 
it's possible. I don't see any options for that in "save as" or "save 
for web".
Anyway PICTS work great - and have transparency too.

>Are we sure about this? I mean PNGs allow for a separate PPI for 
>printing and screen display. I always assumed that apps like Rev 
>used the PPI information for printing.
>Is this just Rev that is ignoring the other formats and just 
>focusing on the pict format? I haven't test this and would really 
>like to know what others have found.
>Thanks Stephen,

stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
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