Moving Multiple Objects

Judy Perry jperryl at
Thu Mar 9 01:28:53 EST 2006


I did start them off from a pre-determined location in a preOpenCard
handler. (sorry I didn't include that part).

I don't understand (I might well be denser than, well, I don't know!):

The only wait statement is AFTER the move statement(s).  And after the
'set lockMoves to false' statement.  AFAIU, that shouldn't affect the
simultaneous moves.

No, the problem is that the objects do NOT move simultaneously; they move
serially.  That is, the first moves, waits a little bit, then the second,
ditto, and then the third.

They do move, but nothing like simultaneously, which my reading of the
docs would suggest is possible using the 'set lockMoves to true... set
lockMoves to false' is possible.

I'm really pretty certain that I've done something TREMENDOUSLY stupid...
Just don't know what!

I'll try 'without waiting'... (hope I have enough RAM to try this!)...

Okay... that works, but only sorta, kinda.

That is, I don't see the three images flying off the screen as scripted...
instead, I see them move about a third of the way, then the card moves on
to the next card.  BUT THEY'RE MOVING SIMULTANEOUSLY!!  (doing the

Any further ideas?? (and, thanks, Scott, for getting me half-way there...
better than  my not-even!).


 On Wed, 8 Mar 2006, Scott Rossi wrote:

> I'm not sure if the problem you're having is that the objects are not moving
> simultaneously or something else.  However, the lock moves is usually for
> starting objects off at the same time.
> Instead, try removing the lock/unlockmoves lines and try adding "without
> waiting" to each move line in your script, for example:
>   move image "BStone1.gif" to 588,-72 in 2 secs without waiting
> See if this is the effect you're looking for.

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