Dictionary in OS X

Gregory Lypny gregory.lypny at videotron.ca
Wed Mar 8 14:24:48 EST 2006

Hello everyone,

I had read somewhere that it is possible to access some built-in Mac  
applications, such as Dictionary, directly from the command line.   
Now I was wondering whether it would also be possible to access those  
applications through Revolution.  I'm doing research that involves  
indexing all the words in big text files.  Of course, using the xTalk  
definition of a word as any quoted string or string separated by one  
or more spaces leaves me with many words that are not words we use in  
the sense of dictionary words, things like acronyms, and others that  
aren't relevant to me because they are proper nouns, such as company  
or product names.  So I was hoping to write a script that might check  
whether each of the words in my index exists in the dictionary.

Any thoughts would be most appreciated.


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