Missing Report Builder

Mark Schonewille europe at ehug.info
Wed Mar 8 09:09:48 EST 2006

Hi Kresten,

I looked into the scripts of the report builder and the printing
scripts in the backscripts. It appears that a range of
properties need to be set for the report builder to work
properly. I don't have enough time to figure out where these
properties are set. The scripts for setting the properties might
be in the menu bar or somewhere else, I can't find them in the
backscripts and the report builder stack sript.

It should be possible to write your own script to set the
properties, after figuring out how the report builder and the
printing scripts in the backscripts work.

I'm sure, though, that it much easier to create your own report
stack. Make a stack with one card of the size of a page and put
the fields you need on this card. Use a repeat loop to retrieve
information from other stacks and print the card. This is all
the report builder does.



Kresten Bjerg wrote:
> In the Revolution Documentation concerning revPrintReport the
>  description refers to its function as printing a report, you
> have set up in the Report Builder.And there is reference to
> the tools menu having a submenu "Report Builder". But
> although I have a Studio IDE, v 2.6.1 there is no trace of
> the report builder in the menu. However: down in the tools
> folder, I do find a revreportsetup.rev stack! But it is hard
> to guess, how it can be used. In the revPrintReport
> documentation it says: See also..."How do I create a report
> layout card" .... " but it is a lame link ! I have searched
> this list, and find lots of references to report builder, but
> it looks as if quartam reports by Jan Schenkel has suceeded
> in pushing the evident professional commercial interests in
> selling a highly developed tool, where 129 dollars is
> necessary.As I am developing a freeware standalone, and need
> very limited pre-organized reporting options: 4 week cards of
> a calendar on a page, a list-format for an adresses stack, 
> simple tasks in hypercard 10 years ago, I wonder.... I had
> expected at least to find something like the printreport of
> hypercard,-converted to revolution -The revreportsetup.rev
> stack may be the answer, but where do I find the answer to
> the "How do I create a report layout-card?" question.


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