Correct syntax fpr appending data
Cubist at
Cubist at
Mon Mar 6 15:51:17 EST 2006
In a message dated 3/6/06 10:59:12 AM, "Ben Bock" <benbock at> writes:
>What is the correct syntax for Rev to append data to the next line in a
>text file?
>I have a quiz in a standalone, and when the participant finishes, the file
>needs to save. the next particpant's scores should go on the next line.
> I use a button at the end of the quiz:
>on mouseUp
> set itemDelimiter to tab
> put fld "quiz_item1" into item 1 of line 1 of field "data field" of stack
"data sample"
> put fld "quiz_item2" into item 2 of line 1 of field "data field" of stack
"data sample"
> put fld "data field " into url "file:test data.txt"
> get url "file:test data.txt"
> put it into fld "sample field that proves to me something is going to the
test data file"
> save url "file:test data.txt"
>end mouseUp
>1) So how do I get the next person's data to enter the next line and save,
>without over writing the previous person's data?
You need to *not* explicitly anoint a particular number as The One True
Line-Number when you're putting your new data into that field. Something like
this would work:
on mouseUp
set itemDelimiter to tab
put the number of lines in (field "data field" of stack "data sample") into
add 1 to Fred
put fld "quiz_item1" into item 1 of line Fred of field "data field" of
stack "data sample"
The idea is that you find out which line you should put your data into,
*before* you put your data into that line.
>2) Do you see flaws in this approach?
Hmmm... not so much "flaws" as "differences in programming style". You're
adding each piece of data to your field, as a separate operation; if I was
writing this thing, I'd put all the new data into a variable, and then add that
variable (which contains X number of pieces of data) to the field. Something
like this:
on mouseUp
set itemDelimiter to tab
put the number of lines in (field "data field" of stack "data sample") into
add 1 to Fred
put fld "quiz_item1" into item 1 of George
put fld "quiz_item2" into item 2 of George
put George into line Fred of field "data field" of stack "data sample"
put fld "data field " into url "file:test data.txt"
get url "file:test data.txt"
put it into fld "sample field that proves to me something is going to the
test data file"
save url "file:test data.txt"
end mouseUp
The difference is that your way, you 'touch' the field many times; my way,
I 'touch' the field only once. Why would anyone worry abut how many times
they 'touch' a field? Because it takes Revolution less time to change the
contents of a variable than to change the contents of a field. That is, variables are
faster than fields. The actual speed difference is measured in milliseconds
(if that much) for any one operation, but it *can* add up, depending on what
you're doing, so I generally go for speed as and when I can.
All of which said, your way *will* work. And it may well be that a few
milliseconds here and there simply will never be *noticed* by the users of your
stack. So don't feel you *must* change!
Hope this helps...
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