Trying to find Revolution Adventure Game template
Malte Brill
revolution at
Sun Mar 5 15:31:07 EST 2006
Hi Willem,
This mail is just a starter and doesn´t dive too much into technical
details and I don´t want it to get too long.
Setting up an adventure game like the one you are after in Rev requires
some thinking beforehand, that doesn´t deal too much with the
development environment, or the scripting language, but mostly with
artwork and game logic. You will need some catchy images of the
locations you like to present. Once you have rendered your artwork in
an image editor or 3d program you can start using Rev to glue it all
together and add your game logic. It is a good idea to render the
images as close to desired output resolution as possible, as you can
save a lot of execution time if you don´t need to resize the images
within Rev.
Each game location can be on a different card. You need to write a bit
of scipt that allows the user to Navigate through your game and a
method to store a map of your game. Coming up with a method for map
storage will be one of the hardest parts in the creation and I am
afraid there is no really good out of the box recipe for it. It could
be done in a custom property or an array or simply by using a clever
naming convention for your cards. The method you prefer is a matter of
taste I think and all have advantages and disadvantages. Usually you
might want to allow users using the mouse or arrowkeys to navigate
through your game. (see mouseMove, mouseDown, mouseUp, mouseRelease,
mouseLoc and arrowkey in the dictionary) You can navigate between that
locations fairly easy with not too much script (see go in the
dictionary) if you are sure of the method to store your game map and
retrieve he next location from it, depending on user action.
Once you have the Navigation set up you might want to add interactivity
to your game. On each card you can place objects that work as hotSpot
areas. If you click on one of these areas a script will be executed.
For example you can show a text message or start playing a Quicktime
movie. Those areas could be almost any control you find in Rev. You
might either have visible Hotspots, e.g. an image of a sword, or
invisible objects. To make an invisible object respond to mouseClicks,
I suggest setting it´s ink property to noop. Such an object can be
layered on top of any area of your background image and if you choose
to use a graphic it can be shaped irregulary. On the other hand if you
use visible controls layered on top it is easier to move them around. I
recommend doing a few test stacks to get warm with the language first.
There is quite a lot stuff to read around. A very good place to start
are the scripting conferences stacks found on Runrevs homepage.
[blow my own horn mode]
You might be interested in looking at a free little eBook I wrote, that
deals with some of the basics of the language and an in dephs tutorial
of ArcadeEngine that might interest you later, but weighting is almost
50% for the basics to 50% for ArcadeEngine.
you find links to it here:
[/blow my own horn mode]
Hope that helps,
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