XP Problems Persist...

Judy Perry jperryl at ecs.fullerton.edu
Thu Mar 2 19:53:00 EST 2006


One of the few students who is honestly playing around with Rev and
*trying* to appreciate it is having nothing but problem after problem
after problem.

This is probably a really stupid question, but does running skins on top
of XP create any Rev-related problems?

I'm running 2.7 on OS X.  He's running 2.7 (trial version) on XP.  I
created a simple little demo stack on messages and the message path (and,
yes, Richard, I did require that they take a look at yours!).  Runs fine
on my Mac.  Copied the file to his thumb drive.  He double-clicks the file
and it launches 2.7.  Good.  But it doesn't open the file.  Not only does
it not open the clicked file, when you try opening it from the File ->
Open menu, it either does nothing or it throws up an error message that
the file cannot be read.

The file retains its icon and association with the parent app... only the
parent app can't open the file.

I  just tried re-d/l Rev 2.7 to look for the option to save as a 2.6
file... but can't figure that one out either (will be heading on over to
Chipp's site to try that next).

Does anyone have any ideas?  Would anyone be willing to take a look at the
file to see whether I've done something just abysmally stupid that could
be causing these problems?

It just doesn't give Rev a good name when you have somebody who is clearly
in the minority in a class and who is trying to honestly evaluate the
product and all they get is crashes and non-functionality...


Thanks for any suggestions,


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